Research shows IT firms not ready for the move to IaaS just yet

Recently, Reconnix commissioned a survey that asked 100 IT decision makers for their thoughts on IaaS and migrating applications to the cloud. Gaining interest in the press, the research has highlighted some interesting findings and raised a few eyebrows.

Of those that were asked, a staggering 82% of the IT decision makers said they do not believe they are ready to move to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Worryingly, this seems to be down to the fact that only 7% of the respondents were confident that they had all the skills for managing an IaaS environment in-house. With 59% believing they had some of the skills, no skills, or didn’t know.

However, despite the caution about moving from a traditional server to an IaaS, 88% of the respondents said the transition was high or medium priority.

  • Steve Nice, C.T.O. at Reconnix, comments,
  • There’s a very clear desire for businesses to move applications away from traditional environments and towards Infrastructure-as-a-Service providers, however a lack of adequate skills seem to be holding back many IT departments from making this move.

  • However, Nice warns, having a conservative approach to IaaS means that many businesses could be missing out on the benefits. And, what’s more, businesses could be at a technological disadvantage.
  • Interestingly, 32% of the respondents declared that the biggest motivating factor for moving toward IaaS was cost saving. And 54% believe that cost is the biggest factor to consider when making buying decision about IaaS. Nice argues that making a decision on an IaaS migration based solely on cost is risky.
  • Often a cloud provider is only as good as the service level agreement (SLA) in place and, by cutting costs, poor support and periods of downtime are more likely.

For more information on the Reconnix survey, see the infographic below.

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