Cyber Crime: Are You Protected?



There doesn’t seem to be a week go by without there being a news story involving a breach of modern IT systems.

However. it doesn’t need to be like this. There are many ways to protect both your business and your users from cyber crime, and the good news is they’re typically free, they just need implementing correctly.

As a certified ethical hacker I have knowledge of many exploits that put businesses at risk and in my experience, it’s the human factor that is still the weakest link. The biggest offence is unsuitable passwords, or worse still, superficial security policies. Only by understanding the weaknesses across your entire infrastructure, and how your users interact with it, can you be confident that you are protected from cyber crime.

For example, many online services have a mechanism that requires you to enter a PIN that is sent to your phone via SMS message when you attempt to login on from a new device. Unfortunately simple measures such as this are rarely enforced by businesses, leaving them exposed to even the most basic of hacks.

A holistic approach that identifies both internal and external threats is needed and to do this properly, businesses need an independent partner to work with them to help their IT departments with friendly, focussed advice. With IT departments typically focussed inwardly it’s very easy to overlook the risk posed from the outside world.

Call a Reconnix consultant on 08454210444 or email us: to see how we can help.

Steve Nice,

C.E.O., Reconnix