PuppetCamp London 2014

russ_fullYesterday, I had day out of the office with Danny at the 2014 London PuppetCamp. It was the first time I had attended a PuppetLabs event, though I have streamed plenty of video from past camps and conferences.

It was interesting to see how best practices had moved on (answer, lots) since I first had my Puppet epiphany over a year ago. For me, and in no order, the most interesting talks were ….

Augeas, swiss knife resources for your puppet tree by Julien Pivotto.

Can you upgrade to Puppet 4.x? by Martin Alfke.

Keeping AWS in check with Puppet by Oholiab.

So in all a great day, other than the early start ….



It has also inspired me a enough to revisit a module I cobbled together earlier in the year which manages the installation of Cloudwatch logs and get it up to a decent standard so I can push it to the forge and be just like Danny.

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AWS Meetup Tonight!


It’s finally here. The Inaugrual Notttingham AWS Meetup.

For those of you that are unaware, the meet up is the first of it’s kind for Nottingham. It will give everyone a chance to meet others in the Nottinghamshire area that are either using or are interested in looking into AWS. Which is pretty awesome.

But that’s not it, there’s more.

Amazon’s own Ian Massingham will do his best to attend. However, He will be flying straight from Amazon re:Invent in Las Vegas. So, he may well be frazzled!

Moreover, there will be a talk from Wes Thompson about how Reconnix used AWS to develop a simple, but elegant solution to managing traffic for a global, simultaneous album release.

Oh, by the way, did I mention there will be beer and pizza, too?

All in all, it’s going to be a great night. So, if you haven’t already signed up, sign up now and make it awesome.

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Russ McKendrick: The Docker Guy

russ_fullRuss McKendrick, Solutions Architect at Reconnix, is beginning to be recognised for his pseudonym, “The Docker Guy”. Russ has been busy studying the world of Docker since October 2013. Moreover, he has been blogging about his use of Docker since the beginning of 2014. As a result, he has become a real go-to guy. In fact, he understands Docker so well, he has been giving talks on the processes and applications of Docker.

Docker, for those who don’t know, is an open platform for distributed applications. You can develop Docker apps quickly, with little friction between various production environments. That is, you can run the same Docker application on laptops, data center VMs, and any cloud, with no changes involved.

Here’s where it gets interesting. Docker have been so impressed with Russ’ work that they have retweeted his latest blog article, “Docker, Fig, NGINX Reverse Proxies and CentOS 7.” And, to top that, they have published him on their mailing list! A great achievement.

Interestingly, it looks like the big boys are trying to keep up with Russ, too. Recently, Google announced that they think that containers will be the next big thing. Something that Russ has been saying for a long time.

So, If you have a Docker problem, and no one else can help, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire, The Docker Guy.

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